Dear Friends,

I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for the unwavering support of so many in our community throughout my campaign for the Mounds View School Board. It has been an incredible journey, and I have made so many great relationships across the district along the way.

As many of you know, I entered this race with a commitment to address the pressing issues facing our schools, particularly those that affect working families, student safety, and honest education. I am proud of the ideas and principles we’ve championed together and share your commitment to continue working on them.

However, after careful consideration and reflection, I have decided to suspend my campaign for the Mounds View School Board. This was not an easy decision. My reason for running was to make the Mounds View School Board even better, and as part of that, to prevent the slate of far-right candidates from taking over our school board. The best way I can do that now is by stepping aside in order to avoid splitting the vote. Without the endorsement of the Mounds View Education Association, my campaign would face significant hurdles in getting the numbers and resources needed to win—despite having the hardest working and most dedicated volunteers in the district!

I want to emphasize that my commitment to the betterment of our schools and community remains unwavering. I will continue to advocate for progressive changes and organize for the issues that are important to us.
I want to extend my deepest gratitude to you and the other dedicated individuals who have supported my campaign—especially the amazing moms from the west side of the district who put their hearts into this race. Your belief in our shared vision for the future of Mounds View schools has been inspiring.

I encourage you to stay engaged and active in our community’s educational initiatives. Together, we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of our students and the future of our district.

Thank you for your understanding, support, and commitment to our community. I look forward to continuing to work alongside you in different capacities in the future.

In Solidarity,
Jon VanOeveren